Telegram Scraper #1 Telegram Channel and Group Scraper Tool
Telegram scraper is - All in one telegram channel and group scraper and adder software. Please check your telegram number @spambot telegram before trying our
software. You can't use your telegram account to scrape members or add members if your account has any limitations. Also you have to disable 2 step authentication if it's enabled. Click here to see version history. Also group or channel url(link) must be custom url format. Eg: "". Telegram Scraper won't work with virtual or fake numbers as telethon api won't support virtual numbers.
Rules for adding members to Groups. Join the group you want to add members. You must be a member of group (Very important) you want to add members. No need of being admin. Otherwise it won't work. Rules for adding members to Channels.
Regarding adding members to your channels, you must be admin of that channel with administrator permission "add subscribers" enabled. Otherwise it won't work. You can import members from any group or channels to your channel or group.
Trial version for adding 5 members and premium for 7000 members/day adding. Software import only active members to your group. For example if software exports 6000 users from competitor group, scan and sort members based activity. If 600 of them are inactive members(Last seen more than within 1 week), software will add only 5400 users.
Kindly share your email address, and we will send you the software link.